prophetic uprising/ levantamiento profético

          Levantamiento profético. Los principios que gobiernan los procesos espirituales se recortan en días de aprendizaje sobre lo que podemos conocer. En esta exposición se proponen diferentes métodos para alcanzar un desarrollo y el despertar de los sentidos a una realidad nueva y sobrenatural. No existen límites en cuanto a los materiales ni a la técnica, sino que extrañas esculturas, cuadros, dibujos e ideogramas conviven para una mejor comprensión conceptual de las cuestiones a tratar en esta bella e indiscutiblemente profunda reflexión sobre el ser.


Prophetic uprising. The principles that govern spiritual processes are cut in days of learning about what we can know. In this exhibition different methods are proposed to increase a development and the awakening of the senses to a new and supernatural reality. There are no limits as to materials or technique, but strange sculptures, pictures, drawings and ideograms coexist for a better conceptual understanding of the issues to be dealt with in this beautiful and unquestionably profound reflection on being.

experiences (2018)

visions (2016)

La Monja Hammond - Spiritual war
La Monja Hammond - Spiritual war

From our feelings and intuition sometimes we extract images that can suggest facts or ideas to get new meanings for reality, for the future or about events that are happening.  Is God giving some tips about it? 











collage revelation (2015)

"Luchando contra la incredulidad". Collage, óleo sobre madera
"Luchando contra la incredulidad". Collage, óleo sobre madera

Collage Revelations is a response to the need to get to reach certain landscapes of the soul that are only available to man as long as there is a reality of relationship with the Creator, who is the only one who can reveal them. 


From materials to build a collage, multiplying power emerges, creating stories and pictorial motifs without difficulty, flowing in a host of new and definitive sensations of color and form. The power of what is revealed concerning the prophetic, has several sequences of expression in these oils and paintings.

spiritual realities (2014)

Necesitamos discernir determinadas realidades que no pueden ser fotografiadas, que forman parte del mundo espiritual y son intangibles a simple vista. Sin embargo aquí tratamos de descubrir algunas pistas sobre las relaciones entre el cuerpo, (la mente), el alma y el espíritu, caso de poder discernir cada una de estas partes. El óleo es nuestro aliado en esta febril tarea, aunque utilizamos con gusto gouache y algunos otros medios y extraños soportes